Adam Gayoso
Research Scientist,
Google DeepMind,
adamgayoso [at] google [dot] com

I am a Research Scientist at Google DeepMind. Previously, I completed my PhD in the Center for Computational Biology at UC Berkeley co-advised by Aaron Streets and Nir Yosef. During my PhD, I developed deep generative models for single-cell omics data that learn an expressive representation of the data and facilitate common analysis tasks. I used these models to refine our understanding of the heterogeneity of CD8+ T cells in the context of acute infection. I am also the co-creator of scvi-tools, which is a Python package that provides: (1) accessible implementations of state-of-the-art single-cell probabilistic models and (2) the building blocks to rapidly develop new models.

Before my PhD, I received my BS in Operations Research: Engineering Management Systems and MS in Computer Science from Columbia University, where I developed computational models for single-cell RNA-sequencing data with the Dana Pe’er Lab.